Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Absence and return!

Oh geez, it's been a loooong time since I last wrote up an article or review on here! I took a little break as I had to attend to a few matters and basically procrastinated on what really mattered to me. Nonetheless, I am back and I shall be soon posting my overdue reviews for a few games that you folks may have heard of over the past few months!

On top of that, I'll be making a response article to my thoughts regarding the Sony reveal of the PlayStation 4 and what I personally would love to see Microsoft retaliate with once their eventual reveal comes knocking!

Stay tuned folks and here's a preview of the features I'll be tossing up in the upcoming weeks!

- Sleeping Dogs Review (360)
- Far Cry 3 Review (360)
- DmC: Devil May Cry Review (360)
- Dead Space 3 Review (360)
- Thoughts on PlayStation 4 reveal
- Thoughts on what Microsoft should do with the Next Xbox