Saturday, August 25, 2012

Uros' Quick Thoughts- Is there a proper purpose to Video-Game System Wars?

What's the most common topic that's brought up when someone questions the purchase of a certain gaming system? It's almost always the superiority of one platform over another, better known as "System Wars" or "Console Wars". Obviously, a little healthy competition never hurt anyone and it's in human nature to compete against one another, but is the constant comparison and pitting of each console against the other really necessary? 

It was a lot more simple back in the 16 and 32 Bit days. There was never any real intimidation amongst one another, just the sheer enjoyment of controlling such an interactive device. At the earliest point in the console lifespan, PC gaming was yet to breakout. But once it had, it soon became the prominent system to own. 

To this day, PC Gamers tend to frown upon those who chose the Console route. They attempt to establish themselves as the "superior race" due to graphical advancements, power and overall freedom. Is this really necessary though? Why must someone be criticized over the fact that they prefer one system over another? Yes, a PC can be built to handle the best looking games available and it might lack the restrictions that a Console might carry, but in the end, it's simply preference that separates that decision. 

While one person might choose graphical and technical superiority, another might favour the simplicity and relaxed nature of a Console. Maybe that person doesn't want to spend a hefty amount of cash building a powerful rig. Perhaps they enjoy the comfortability and accessibility that a Console such as the Xbox 360, PS3 or Wii offer. Little effort is required in maintaining the quality of the machine, and games are simply inserted and set to go. I myself have no quarrel with anyone who chooses one choice over the other, but I dread the thought of constantly updating my PC on a regular basis just to keep with the trend. 

A suitable counter-argument can be made that it actually costs less to maintain a PC than it does to purchase a Console in general due to the PC being the "entire package". So while you do spend upwards of around $1000 dollars, how does that fair for console gaming? Most people seem to ignore that besides the $300 dollar console you're purchasing, there's also the matter of a suitable television. All in all, the price point would roughly add up to be the same, if not more.

The competition will always exist amongst the masses whether it be regarding the superior graphics, the best interface, or even the most comfortable fashion in enjoying our favourite shared hobby but honestly, we're all gamers and the sheer fact that we live in an age with such technology and innovation is a blessing in itself. It's fine to compare the statistics of one gaming rig to another but the demoralizing of someone due to their personal preference of a certain system is unacceptable.

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